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Office of ”+ Affairs

Our global initiative dedicated to advancing equity and inclusion for the ”+ community




Educational 课程 and Certification


We’re partnering with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) to offer free educational courses designed to help ”+ entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses. From navigating your cash flow to marketing in a digital world, these guided sessions focus on addressing immediate and long-term financial needs and building resiliency. Learn more and register for the courses.

Together, we’re also certifying 100 ”+ business enterprises. Chamber membership and certification fees will be sponsored by our Office of ”+ Affairs and distributed through the NGLCC. Becoming certified as an LGBT Business Enterprise® (LGBTBE®) can open the door to new business growth opportunities.


Resources for ”+ Owned Businesses


Supporting Entrepreneurial Growth

We are proud to collaborate with organizations that support the ”+ entrepreneurial community, including StartOut and BØ是不是.


start out logo


StartOut accelerates the growth of the ”+ community to drive its economic empowerment, building a world where every ”+ entrepreneur has equal access to lead, 成功, and shape the workforce of the future.

Bowie logo


BØ是不是 is the first entrepreneurial incubator dedicated to queer and feminist projects in Europe. They offer training, coaching and peer support to queer and feminist creators and showcase projects to raise awareness, fight stereotypes and inspire change.

Businesses We Love